- Lean Productivity
- We have implemented on the floor factory Lean Productivity tools and systems in nearly every Asian country. Results can be seen within the month, and in most cases within a week after implementation.
- How do you know you have a Lean Productivity oriented organization?
- Need to reduce waste in Operations but not sure know how and/or where to start?
- Would you like to establish a monthly or weekly kaizen culture?
- Would you like a 3rd party to make recommendations of your supply chain plans or factory layouts before commiting?
- Would you like to establish Andon, Kanban, and productivity measures (output/per person/per man-hour)?
See results within a week after implementation.

- Andon
- Daily KPIs
- Daily Routine Management (DRM)
- Industrialization Workshops
- Kanban
- Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)
- One piece flow and small batch sizes
- Plan for Every Part (PFEP)
- Production scheduling and labor efficiency
- Quick Response Quality Control (QRQC)
- Root cause effects analysis
- Skill Management